
Hotel Khaliq is ranked #893 among the 1293 hotels in Srinagar with an average rating of 0.0 out of 7. It is one of the 959, 0-star in Srinagar. On HolidayIQ, is rated top for its .The online booking price of the hotel ranges between Rs 5,800 to Rs 6,300 per night. to check availability or to avail complimentary breakfast, we recommend contacting the hotel to check if the final tariff includes it.The ambience and the location of the hotel makes it a suitable option for variety of travellers.If you are in need for airport transfers or require a car for sightseeing around the city or you have to do an early check-in, then we recommend contacting the hotel directly and requesting for these additional services. All of the available amenities ensure your stay is enjoyable and free from any hassles.

Contacts / Location

Zero Bridge Rajbagh, Srinagar,
Jammu and Kashmir 190008


Deluxe Double Room
Deluxe Triple Bed Room
Deluxe Four Bed Room
Extra Bed

Service / Terms & Conditions

Elemental amenities
24-hour front desk
Room service
Running Hot and Cold Water
Free WiFi
Car Parking Available
Travel desk
24-hour security